Packet tracer tutorial (počítačové sítě)
useful video tutorial
General info
Video Tutorial Introduction - úvod pro práci s packet tracer
Video Tutorial 1 - vytvoření jednoduché sítě
Video Tutorial 2 - simulace přenosu packetu
Video Tutorial 3 - Troubleshooting on Packet Tracer
Video Tutorial 4 - Using Packet Tracer in Presentation
Video Tutorial 5 - Guiding Student Configurations, hide the physical and config tab, to avoid student using the automated configuration, and only allow to use command line to configure cisco product
Video Tutorial 6 - onfiguration Portability, copy and paste the command line from simulation software to real cisco router or vise versa
Video Tutorial - What is Vlan
Video Tutorial - Vlan 1
Video Tutorial - Vlan 2
Video Tutorial - Vlan 3
Video Tutorial - 1/2 (existing network)
Video Tutorial - 2/2
packet tracer ROUTER RIP
Video Tutorial - Switch + Router Vlan Packet Tracer
ACL (access control list)
Access Control List (ACL) LAB1 PART1
Access Control List (ACL) LAB1 PART2
Access Control List (ACL) LAB2 PART1
Access Control List (ACL) LAB2 PART2
Cisco CCNA Videos - Inter-VLAN Routing
Packet tracer tutorial
Router DHCP
Router banners (4 types)
Setting the router password
Commands packet tracer
ACL - access control list
Fotografie z cestování
University of Glamorgan
Programování (Python, Packet tracer, C# ....)
Databáze (Oracle, modeling ...)
Ontologie - research
Pohled na 5 technologických trendů roku 2009
GIS - Práce s geografickými daty
Ontologie - research
© 2010
Marmil (Martin Milička)