JENA mess
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String NS = "";
Resource r = m.createResource( NS + "r" );
Property p = m.createProperty( NS + "p" );
r.addProperty(p, "Hello world",XSDDatatype.XSDstring);
//m.write(System.out, "Turtle");
//m.write(System.out, "N-TRIPLE");
m.write(System.out, "RDF/XML-ABBREV");
// URI declarations
String familyUri = "http://family/";
String relationshipUri = "";
// Create an empty Model
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// Create a Resource for each family member, identified by their URI
Resource adam = model.createResource(familyUri + "adam");
Resource beth = model.createResource(familyUri + "beth");
Resource chuck = model.createResource(familyUri + "chuck");
Resource dotty = model.createResource(familyUri + "dotty");
// and so on for other family members
// Create properties for the different types of relationship to represent
Property childOf = model.createProperty(relationshipUri, "childOf");
Property parentOf = model.createProperty(relationshipUri, "parentOf");
Property siblingOf = model.createProperty(relationshipUri, "siblingOf");
Property spouseOf = model.createProperty(relationshipUri, "spouseOf");
// Add properties to adam describing relationships to other family members
adam.addProperty(childOf,chuck); //edward
beth.addProperty(siblingOf, adam);
chuck.addProperty(parentOf, adam);
//OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.DAML_MEM );
OntModel m2 = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.DAML_MEM );
OntDocumentManager dm = m2.getDocumentManager();
String NS1 = "";
dm.addAltEntry( ""
//,"file:" + JENA + "src/examples/resources/eswc-2006-09-21.rdf"
); "" );
Resource r2 = m2.getResource( NS1 + "Block" );
r2.addProperty(childOf, "Blocek");
//OntClass paper = m2.createClass( NS + "Paper" );
//String className = "Block";
//OntClass blockClass = m2.getOntClass(NS1+className);
//OWLModel owlModel = ProtegeOWL.createJenaOWLModelFromURI(ONTOLOGY_URL);
//m.createLiteralStatement(pizzaClass, childOf, 1);
// first way: use a call on OntModel
//Individual ind0 = m2.createIndividual( NS + "ind0", blockClass );
// second way: use a call on OntClass
//Individual ind1 = c.createIndividual( NS + "ind1" );
// create the base model
String SOURCE = "";
String NS = SOURCE + "#";
OntModel base = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM ); SOURCE, "RDF/XML" );
// create the reasoning model using the base
//OntModel inf = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_MICRO_RULE_INF, base );
// create a dummy paper for this example
OntClass paper = base.getOntClass( NS + "Paper" );
//Individual p1 = base.createIndividual( NS + "paper1", paper );
// Can also create statements directly . . .
//Statement statement = model.createStatement(adam,parentOf,chuck); //frac
// but remember to add the created statement to the model
OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("output-text.rdf");